.include "cydheader.a64" *= tool filpar = $ffba filnam = $ffbd open = $ffc0 close = $ffc3 talk = $ffb4 untalk = $ffab iecin = $ffa5 sectlk = $ff96 ;getpar = game4+8 somon = tool rr = $d0 Aa = 193 b = 194 c = 195 d = 196 e = 197 f = 198 g = 199 h = 200 i = 201 j = 202 k = 203 l = 204 m = 205 n = 206 o = 207 p = 208 q = 209 r = 210 s = 211 t = 212 u = 213 v = 214 ;w = 215 ;--- modified --- damit kein konflikt mit obigem w x = 216 y = 217 z = 218 z1 = 49+128 z2 = 50+128 z3 = 51+128 z4 = 52+128 cc = $c800 bb = blok+$0900 animb = anic ;blok+$0c00 animb2 = phasz ;animb+12 form1a = animb+3 form2a = animb+6 form3a = animb+9 ;phasm1 = animb2+6 ;phasm2 = phasm1+16 ;phasm3 = phasm2+16 animm = blok+$0900 exit = game1 maxy = 32 ;ba = $c000 zer = $30 rload = dos rsave = dos+3 diskzp = dos+6 loadabs = dos+9 map2 = map jmp stprg jmp clwp_2 ;-- modified -- added ;.word filtb ;-- modified -- added prmenu lda #$80 jmp menu2 menu1 pla pla lda #0 sta $d001 menue lda #0 menu2 ldy #26 menu3 sty $bf sta zer+27 stx $14 lda lowsc,x sta $0a lda hiwsc,x sta $0b ldy xwind,x sty $15 lda ywind,x sta $16 lda #33+$c0 sta zer+48 lda #29+$c0 sta zer+49 jsr przeil jsr przeil2 jsr przeil m2 jsr przeil2 dec $16 bpl m2 jsr przeil txa asl a tax lda mpr,x sta m3+1 lda mpr+1,x sta m3+2 m3 jsr $ffff m10 ldx $14 lda loamp,x sta $0a lda hiamp,x sta $0b lda akmfa,x jsr prfazei lda zer+27 bpl shit71 rts shit71 jsr wait lda $bf jsr joyst lsr a sta $e0 bcs m5 m7 jsr menup m5 lsr $e0 bcs m6 m8 jsr mendown m6 lda zer+30 ora fire1,x bmi io19 and #$10 eor #$ff io19 cmp #$ff bne shit61 lda zer+30 ora fire2,x bmi io9 and #$10 eor #$ff io9 cmp #$ff bne shit611 ldx $14 jmp m10 shit61 lda jtst,x ldy menfa,x bmi shit615 clc adc akmp,x shit615 asl a tay lda mjmp,y sta $0a lda mjmp+1,y shit612 sta $0b jmp ($0a) shit611 txa asl a tax lda fzw,x sta $0a lda fzw+1,x bne shit612 przeil ldy #0 lda zer+48 sta ($0a),y inc zer+48 ldy $15 lda zer+48 sta ($0a),y inc zer+48 lda zer+49 inc zer+49 przeil3 ldy $15 dey m22 sta ($0a),y dey bne m22 m50 lda menfa,x sta zer+45 jsr prfazei jmp scnz przeil2 lda #27+$c0 ldy $15 sta ($0a),y ldy #0 lda #28+$c0 sta ($0a),y lda #$e0 bne przeil3 prfazei pha jsr faw ldy $15 lda menfa,x sta ($0a),y dey pla m21 sta ($0a),y dey bne m21 lda menfa,x faw2 sta ($0a),y faw lda $0b eor #$18 sta $0b rts lowsc .byte 66,33,33,33,90,33 .byte 12,33,26,33,33,33 .byte 33,132,74 .byte 28,28,150,106,9,83 .byte 0,24,12,33,33,33 .byte 30 hiwsc .byte $c0,$c0,$c0,$c0,$c1 .byte $c0,$c1,$c0,$c0,$c0 .byte $c0,$c0,$c0,$c1,$c1 .byte $c0,$c0,$c1,$c0,$c1 .byte $c0,$c0,$c3,$c1 .byte $c0,$c0,$c0 .byte $c0 xwind .byte 7,6,6,6,10,6,7,6,7 .byte 6,6,6,6,7,19 .byte 9,9,13,13,11,33,32,5 .byte 11,6,6,6 .byte 9 ywind .byte 3,15,15,15,7,7,9,7 .byte 3,15,15,15,15,3,8 .byte 20,20,1,10,3,0,20,1 .byte 2,15,15,15 .byte 15 mpr .word mp1b,mp2,mp2 .word mp2,mp3,colp1 .word mp4,colp1 .word mp1,mp2,mp2,mp2 .word mp2,mp1,mp6 .word mp20,mp21,mp25 .word mp40,mp41,mp42 .word mp43,mp44,mp45 .word mp50,mp51,mp52 .word mp53 akmfa .byte 1,7,13,7,1,7,1,7,7 .byte 10,13,14,1,1,7 .byte 1,1,13,13,1,12,7,13 .byte 7,1,1,1 .byte 14 menfa .byte $8f,$84,$85,$8c,14 .byte $8a,$03,$8e,$8c,$84 .byte $85,$88,$8a,$03,8 .byte $8e,$8a,$85,$88,$83 .byte $8b,$83,$85 .byte $88,$8e,$8a,$85 .byte $86 jtst .byte 0,1,1,1,2,10,11,43,20 .byte 21,21,21,21,22,26 .byte 35,36,37,38,39,0,0 .byte 40,41,42,42,42 .byte 44 mjmp .word cc1,cc2,modch,cc9 .word setcb,copyb,dd20 .word bkgroup,cc6 .word mainmen,cc4 .word pri6,muh6 .word col6,fli6,swa6,fil6 .word inv6,cop6,cc41 .word exi6,se1 .word se1,se1,se1,se1 .word backgrnd,soundmon .word subjedit .word load,save,dir .word diskst,initial,exit .word loading,saving,sur2 .word cc40,cc50,cc60 .word m10,cc70,cc5 .word sbgrp akmp .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0 loamp .byte 186,153,153,153,$d2 .byte 153,132,153,146,153 .byte 153,153,153,252,194 .byte 148,148,14,147,129 .byte 123,40,143,132 .byte 153,153,53 .byte 150 hiamp .byte $c0,$c0,$c0,$c0,$c1 .byte $c0,$c1,$c0,$c0,$c0 .byte $c0,$c0,$c0,$c1,$c1 .byte $c0,$c0,$c1,$c0,$c1 .byte $c0,$c0,$c3,$c1 .byte $c0,$c0,$c0 .byte $c0 fire1 .byte $fb,$e0,$e0,$e0,$ef .byte $e0,$00,$fc,$fb,$e0 .byte $e0,$e0,$e0,$ef,$ef .byte $ef,$ef,$ef,$fc,$ef .byte 0,0,$ef,$e0 .byte $ec,$ec,$ec .byte $e0 fire2 .byte $ef,$00,0,0,$f7,0 .byte $ff,$f3,$ef,0,0,0,0 .byte $f7,$ff .byte $f3,$f3,$ff,$f3,$ff .byte 0,0,$ff,$00 .byte $f3,$f3,$f3 .byte 0 fzw .word dd1,dd2,dd2,dd2 .word taste2,dd2,taste2 .word taste2,dd10,dd11 .word dd11,dd11,dd11,se1 .word mainmen,slnum,slnum2 .word mainmen,taste2,mainmen .word mainmen,mainmen,mainmen .word taste2,taste2,taste2 .word taste2 .word retmen4 menup lda akmp,x beq m30 jsr m50 dec akmp,x sec lda $0a sbc #80 sta $0a bcs m51 dec $0b m51 lda $0a sta loamp,x lda $0b sta hiamp,x m30 rts mendown lda akmp,x cmp ywind,x bcs m30 jsr m50 inc akmp,x jmp m51 byttab .byte $f0,$f1,$f2,$f3,$f4 .byte $f5,$f6,$f7,$f8,$f9 .byte $c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5 .byte $c6 .text "0123456789abcdef" revbyt pha lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a jsr revnibbl pla and #$0f jmp revnibbl sbyt pha lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a jsr nibbel pla and #$0f jmp nibbel addr stx $e0 jsr revbyt lda $e0 jmp revbyt revnibbl tax ldy zer+49 lda byttab,x sta ($0a),y inc zer+49 rts nibbel ora #$10 tax lda byttab,x sta ($12),y iny rts byte sty $02 ldy $14 iny jsr sbyt oloo sty $14 ldy $02 rts nibbl sty $02 ldy $14 iny jsr nibbel bne oloo scnz clc lda $0a adc #$28 sta $0a bcc nn998 inc $0b nn998 rts blocktest ;"BLOCK"-FILE IM SPEICHER? rts ;--- modified --- skip, da nicht mehr so notwendig .block ldx #3*4 n1 dex bmi n3 lda animb,x cmp #$7c bne n2 dex dex lda animb,x cmp #$4c bne n2 beq n1 n2 ;set rts ldx #20 lda #$60 n4 sta animb,x dex bpl n4 n3 rts .bend backgrnd jsr blocktest jsr init jsr rinit jsr button2 ldx #0 stx zer+12 stx $12 stx zer+21 stx $18 stx zer+8 stx zer+9 stx $10 stx nibbel+1 dex stx trset2+1 lda #$11 sta ba+$03ff lda #$12 sta ba+$03fa sta ba+$03fe lda #$a6 sta $d004 sta $d00c lda #$44 sta $d000+29 lda #$ae sta $d00e lda #217 sta $d00f lda #233 sta $d00d lda #<(irq) ldx #>(irq) jsr setirq cli ldx #1 jsr setback jsr pc1 taste2 lda #1 bne p16 lda #214+16 ldx #214-16 ldy #$44 jsr triset jsr joy1 jmp das2 p16 lda #214 ldx #20 ldy #$fb jsr triset lda zer+17 ldy #$08 ldx #$c3 jsr pinteg shimod lda #0 beq p172 lda #71 jsr joyst jsr joy3 jmp dasss p172 lda #26 jsr joyst jsr joy2 dasss jsr chosblk jsr wezei bcc e1 lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a e1 sta zer+23 lda zer+17 clc adc #20 tay ldx #39 e3 lda zer+23 sta $dbc0-$78,x tya sta ba+$03c0-$78,x dey dex bpl e3 das2 lda $13 ldy #$00 ldx #$c3 jsr pinteg lda $c336 cmp #$ca bne n00 jsr gbsubj ldx #$c3 ldy #$37 jsr pinteg n00 jmp taste2 irq sta rr stx rr+1 sty rr+2 irqx lda #0 eor #1 sta irqx+1 tay ldx #2 n888 dex bpl n888 lda $d018 eor #$02 tax lda $d016 eor #$10 sta $d016 stx $d018 lda back,y sta $d021 inc $d019 lda raszei,y sta $d012 lda spstat,y sta $d015 inc $d019 tya beq kkl1 u4 ldx #0 dex bpl kpoe ldx #9 kpoe ldy #7 na18 lda sprfa,x sta $d027,y lda #$ff sta $cff8,y dey bpl na18 lda back+2 sta $d022 lda back+3 sta $d023 kkl2 stx u4+1 jmp kkl3 kkl1 lda taste2+1 bne kkl3 inc animf lda animf and #1 bne kkl3 jsr animb kkl3 ; jsr getpar lda rr ldx rr+1 ldy rr+2 rti animf .byte 0 ;animchar-flag inscr lda $10 sec sbc #6 sta $15 sta $e2 sec lda $11 sbc $16 adc #7 sta $16 lda #$08 sta $e1 next67 ldy #0 next66 sty $17 ldy $e1 jsr pblok ldy $17 iny iny iny inc $15 cpy #39 bne next66 dec $16 lda $e2 sta $15 dec $e1 bpl next67 u2 rts muh6 jsr wezei bcs kp117 eor #$08 jmp ep77 kp117 eor #$80 ep77 sta (zer),y jmp taste2 cc5 lda akmp+7 jsr sfa8 jsr wezei bcs nm950 and #$f8 ldx #$07 bne nm951 nm950 and #$8f ldx #$70 nm951 sta zer+3 stx zer+4 lda zer+2 and zer+4 ora zer+3 sta (zer),y jsr prbsc jmp m10 cc4 jsr wezei lda akmp+5 jsr sfa8 lda #$88 jsr kp991 jmp m10 modch jsr button jsr wezei tax bmi kp112 lda #$88 bne kp113 kp112 lda #0 kp113 sta zer+2 lda #$77 jsr kp991 jmp taste2 kp991 sta zer+3 lda #>(blok)+$0600 sta zer+1 ldx #2 kp114 lda (zer),y and zer+3 ora zer+2 sta (zer),y inc zer+1 dex bpl kp114 prbsc jsr chosblk jmp carint inv6 jsr plop kp500 lda (zer),y eor #$ff sta (zer),y dey bpl kp500 bmi fl99 swa6 jsr plop kp501 lda (zer),y sta $0200,y dey bpl kp501 ldx #7 kp502 iny lda $0200,x sta (zer),y dex bpl kp502 bmi fl99 fli6 jsr plop lda zer+23 and #$08 beq kp503 kp510 lda (zer),y jsr mulswap sta (zer),y dey bpl kp510 fl99 jmp taste2 kp503 lda (zer),y jsr hirswap sta (zer),y dey bpl kp503 bmi fl99 lotab .byte $00,$50,$a0,$f0,$40,$90 .byte $e0,$30,$80,$98 hitab .byte >ba,>ba,>ba,>ba .byte >ba+$0100,>ba+$0100 .byte >ba+$0100,>ba+$0200 .byte >ba+$0200,>ba+$0300 joy2 ldx #0 lda #$ff sta trset2+1 jz2 lda joy3+1 bne weit61 ldx #$13 jsr joy55 jmp carint weit61 lda fadat,x and #$08 lsr a lsr a lsr a adc #$14 sta ba+$03f8 lda zer+30 and #$10 bne p40 jsr zebs ldy bitsc+2 sty zer+11 sta zer+10 lda fadat,x and #8 sta p49+1 lda zer+8 and #7 tax lda zer+9 and #$07 tay p49 lda #0 beq p48 txa lsr a jsr musst1 ldx zer+12 jmp p42 p48 lda (zer+10),y and hipsd,x sta (zer+10),y lda hipsd,x ldx zer+12 beq p42 ldx #$ff p42 jsr musst2 ldx joy2+1 p40 lda zer+30 lsr a bcs p30 dec zer+9 bpl p30 inc zer+9 dec trset2+1 lda akmp+23 clc adc #24 tax p40b lda $dc00 lsr a bcc p40b jmp menu1 p30 lsr a bcs p31 ldy zer+9 cpy #15 bcc p311 dec joy3+1 jmp joy5end p311 inc zer+9 p31 lsr a bcs p32 ldy zer+8 bne p322 jsr savac retmen4 ldx #4 jmp menu1 p322 dec zer+8 p32 lsr a bcs p34 pha lda fadat,x and #8 lsr a lsr a lsr a adc zer+8 cmp #23 bcc p350 ldx #0 ldy #$7b jmp menu1 p350 lda fadat,x and #8 beq p39 inc zer+8 p39 inc zer+8 p35 pla p34 lda zer+8 and #$18 lsr a lsr a lsr a tax lda zer+9 and #$08 beq p37 txa clc adc #3 tax p37 stx joy2+1 lda fadat,x stx wezei+1 and #8 beq p36 lda zer+8 and #$fe sta zer+8 p36 lda zer+8 ldx zer+9 jsr bspos jsr wezei lda (zer+18),y sta zer+17 joy5end jmp carint cset lda loscrn,x sta zer lda hiscrn,x sta zer+15 sec sbc #$18 ;bank sta zer+1 jsr zebs sta bitsc+1 lda fadat,x pha and #$07 sta back+4 pla and #$08 sta p1+1 ldx #7 p3 sec lda zer sbc #40 sta zer sta zer+14 bcs p2 dec zer+1 dec zer+15 p2 jsr bitsc dex bpl p3 rts bitsc lda $ffff,x bibyt stx zer+13 sta zer+4 ldy #7 p1 lda #0 bne mulbit lsr zer+4 lda back+1 bcc p20 lda back+4 p20 sta (zer+14),y lda #39+$c0 sta (zer),y bne p4 mulbit lda zer+4 and #3 tax lda back+1,x sta (zer+14),y dey sta (zer+14),y iny lda #39+$c0 sta (zer),y dey lda #40+$c0 sta (zer),y lsr zer+4 lsr zer+4 p4 dey bpl p1 ldx zer+13 rts carint ldx #2 p6 lda $dbaa,x sta fadat,x lda ba+$03aa,x sta zedat,x lda $dbd2,x sta fadat+3,x lda ba+$03d2,x sta zedat+3,x dex bpl p6 ldx #5 p11 stx zer+6 jsr cset ldx zer+6 dex bpl p11 rts fadat .text "......" zedat .text "......" loscrn .byte $40,$48,$50,$80,$88,$90 hiscrn .byte $d9,$d9,$d9,$da,$da,$da da .byte $00,$55,$aa,$ff joy1 jz1 lda joy3+1 bne ente167 lda #71 jsr joyst ldx #$13 jsr joy55 jmp chosblk ente167 lda #11 jsr joyst ldy #1 and #$10 beq nix812 lda jok1+1 bpl nix812 ldy #3 nix812 sty $e0 lda zer+21 lsr zer+30 bcs next1 sec sbc $e0 bpl next1 lda #0 sta zer+21 inc taste2+1 jmp pc1 next1 lsr zer+30 bcs next2 adc $e0 cmp #maxy bcc next2 lda #31 sta zer+21 dec joy3+1 rts next2 sta zer+21 lsr zer+30 bcs next3 dec $10 next3 lsr zer+30 bcs next4 inc $10 next4 lsr zer+30 php lda zer+21 clc sta zer adc #>(map2) sta $11 plp bcs hlloe ldy #0 lda $13 sta ($10),y hlloe lda $10 ldx #$c3 ldy #$17 jsr doubyt ldy #0 ;uc-blok lda ($10),y pha ldx #$c3 ldy #$50 jsr pinteg jsr gbsubj ldx #$c3 ldy #$37 jsr pinteg pla jsr gbsubj2 ldx #$c3 ldy #$5f jsr pinteg lda zer+21 cmp #$04 bcc ovf1 cmp #maxy-5 bcc ovf2 sbc #maxy-9 bne ovf1 ovf2 lda #$04 ovf1 sta $16 asl a asl a asl a asl a adc #$31 sta $d005 jmp inscr zebs lda #25 ;bank sta bitsc+2 lda zedat,x asl a rol bitsc+2 asl a rol bitsc+2 asl a rol bitsc+2 rts mupsd .byte $ff-$c0,$ff-$30 .byte $ff-$0c,$ff-$03 hipsd .byte $ff-$80,$ff-$40 .byte $ff-$20,$ff-$10 .byte $ff-$08,$ff-$04,$ff-2 .byte $ff-1 spiny .byte 54,63,72,81,90 pblok lda hitab,y sta $03 clc adc #$18 ;bank sta $05 lda lotab,y sta $02 sta $04 ldy #0 lda ($15),y tax ldy $17 lda #>(blok+$0600) sta xil10+2 lda #>(blok) sta xil20+2 jsr xil10 jsr xil10 jsr xil10 tya clc adc #37 tay lda #>(blok+$0600) sta xil+2 jsr xil jsr xil xil lda blok,x lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a sta (4),y inc xil+2 jmp xil20 xil10 lda blok+$0600,x sta (4),y inc xil10+2 xil20 lda blok,x sta (2),y iny inc xil20+2 rts raszei .byte 214,10 back .byte 0,12,6,14,0 spstat .byte 0,0 print pla sta $43 pla sta $44 ldy #0 rtr1 iny lda ($43),y lp1 tax jsr cuset iny lda ($43),y iny sta zer+49 sta zer+46 kkl5 lda ($43),y bmi kll4 bne kkl4 sec tya adc $43 sta $43 bcc kkl6 inc $44 kkl6 jmp ($43) kkl4 cmp #1 beq rtr1 jsr bsout rtr8 iny bne kkl5 kll4 and #$7f jsr bsout jsr scnz lda zer+46 sta zer+49 jmp rtr8 prcharl lda #1 sta zer+45 jsr print .byte 16,0 .text "12345678" .byte 1,16,16 .text "12345678" .byte 1,0,24 .byte 177,178,179,180 .byte 181,182,183,184 .byte 0 lda #3 sta zer+45 jsr print .byte 16,8 .text "12345678" .byte 1,8,24 .byte 177,178,179,180 .byte 181,182,183,184 .byte 0 eor11 lda #<(tool) sta $fffa lda #>(tool) sta $fffb rts setirq sta $fffe stx $ffff lda #$35 sta $01 rts chosblk lda $15 pha ldy #0 sty $17 lda $13 sec sbc #6 sta bmem lda #bmem sta $16 wer1 ldy #9 jsr pblok inc bmem ldx $17 inx inx inx stx $17 cpx #39 bcc wer1 pla sta $15 rts clrscn lda #0 clrscn2 sta $e0 ldx #0 next5509 lda #$ff sta ba,x sta ba+$0100,x sta ba+$0200,x sta ba+$02e8,x lda $e0 sta $d800,x sta $d900,x sta $da00,x sta $dae8,x inx bne next5509 rts wezei ldx #0 lda #0 sta zer ldy $13 lda hibft,x sta zer+1 txa clc adc #>(blok) sta zer+19 lda (zer),y cpx #3 rts hibft .byte >blok+$0600 .byte >blok+$0700 .byte >blok+$0800 .byte >blok+$0600 .byte >blok+$0700 .byte >blok+$0800 joy3 lda #1 beq joy5v2 c10c ldx #$14 stx ba+$03f8 lda zer+30 sta zer lda zer+16 lsr zer bcs c1 ; lsr a ; bcc c10b ; ldx #$ff ; stx joy3+1 ;c10b clc ; rol a and #$fe c1 lsr zer bcs c2 lsr a bcc c10 dec joy3+1 c10 sec rol a c2 lsr zer bcs c3 sec sbc #2 bpl c3 and #$01 c3 lsr zer bcs c4 clc adc #2 c4 and #$07 cmp #$06 bcc c5 and #$05 c5 sta zer+16 tax lda xspz,x sta $d000 lda yspz,x sta $d001 lsr zer bcs c6 ldx #6 jmp menu1 c6 lda qua,x sta wezei+1 jmp carint yspz .byte $42,$82,$42,$82,$42,$82 xspz .byte $31,$31,$71,$71,$b1,$b1 qua .byte 0,3,1,4,2,5 joy5v2 ldx #zer+17 joy55 lda #0 sta $d007 sta $d005 lda #$fe sta trset2+1 lda zer+30 lsr a bcs ty1 lda #1 sta joy3+1 inc trset2+1 rts ty1 lsr a lsr a bcs ty2 dec 0,x ty3 rts ty2 lsr a bcs ty3 inc 0,x rts triset sta raszei stx raszei+1 tya trset2 and #$ff sta spstat and #$f7 sta spstat+1 rts pc1 jsr eor11 jsr clrscn jsr sint jsr lodac ; ldx #6 ; jsr prmenu ldx akmp inx cpx #4 bcc io10 dex io10 jsr prmenu ldx #4 jsr prmenu ldx #0 jsr prmenu lda #14 sta zer+45 jsr print .byte 19,12 .text "char" .byte 0 lda #6 sta zer+45 jsr print .byte 18,16 .text " " .byte 0 jmp prcharl sprfa .byte 0,9,11,12,16,1,16 .byte 12,11,9 pinteg sta zer lda #0 sta $12 lda $13 pha stx $13 lda zer jsr sbyt pla sta $13 rts mulswap tax and #$03 lsr a ror a ror a sta zer+2 txa and #$c0 asl a rol a rol a sta zer+3 txa and #$30 lsr a lsr a sta zer+4 txa and #$0c asl a asl a ora zer+2 ora zer+3 ora zer+4 rts plop lda #25 ;bank sta bitsc+2 jsr wezei lda (zer+18),y plop2 jsr zebs+8 sta zer lda bitsc+2 sta zer+1 ldy #7 rts hirswap ldx #7 oldi1 lsr a rol zer+2 dex bpl oldi1 lda zer+2 rts joyst sta joz2+1 ldy jok1+1 bmi nix813 cmp jok1+1 bcs nix813 sta jok1+1 nix813 lda $dc00 sta zer+30 and #$0f cmp #$0f bne jok1 joz2 lda #26 sta jok1+1 jok1 lda #0 bmi jok2 dec jok1+1 cmp #70 beq jok2 cmp #40 beq jok2 cmp #25 beq jok2 cmp #15 beq jok2 cmp #10 beq jok2 cmp #5 beq jok2 cmp #2 beq jok2 lda zer+30 ora #$0f sta zer+30 jok2 lda zer+30 rts doubyt pha stx zer+29 jsr pinteg+2 ldx zer+29 pla jmp pinteg mp1 jsr print .byte 6,27 .text "objec" .byte t .text "multi1" .byte 0 mp1a jsr print .byte 2,28 .text "pen" .byte 1,4,27 .text "bac" .byte k .text "multi1" .byte 0 stop82 rts mp1b jsr print .byte 6,27 .text "multi" .byte z2 .text "char" .byte 0 jmp mp1a cc1 ldx akmp lda da,x sta zer+12 jmp taste2 spcmen cmp #" " bne stop82 pla pla jmp menue colp1 jsr print .byte 1,34 .text "color" .byte 1,3,34 .text "blac" .byte k .text "whit" .byte e .text "re" .byte d .text "cyne" .byte s .text "purp" .byte l .text "gree" .byte n .text "blu" .byte e .text "yello" .byte 0 rts mp2 jsr colp1 jsr print .byte 11,34 .text "oran" .byte g .text "brow" .byte n .text "pin" .byte k .text "grey" .byte z1 .text "grey" .byte z2 .text "l.gr" .byte n .text "l.bl" .byte u .text "grey3" .byte 0 rts cc2 ldx $14 lda akmp,x sta back,x jsr carint jmp m10 dd20 ldx #23 bne mmm dd2 ldx #0 mmm jmp menue dd11 ldx #8 bne mmm dd1 ldx akmp cpx #3 bcc df2 inx df2 inx lda #0 ldy #11 jmp menu3 dd10 lda akmp+8 clc adc #9 tax bcc mmm joy7 lda zer+30 lsr a bcs nix300 nix300 rts lsr a init2 sei lda #$36 sta $01 ; jsr $fd15 ; jsr $fda3 jsr $e5a0 sei lda #$00 sta $d020 sta $d021 sta $d018 lda $dd00 and #$fc sta $dd00 jmp copzei init sei lda #$36 sta $01 ; jsr $e5a0 jsr $e518 jsr init2 ; jsr copzei sei ldx #0 u8 sta ba+$0400,x sta $daa8,x inx bne u8 sta zer+18 sta irqx+1 lda #$35 sta $01 ldx #4 go79 lda loscop,x sta $02 lda hiscop,x sta $03 lda loscop1,x sta $04 lda hiscop1,x sta $05 ldy slang,x go78 lda ($04),y sta (2),y dey bpl go78 dex bpl go79 jsr clrscn jmp eor11 rinit lda $dc0d lda #$01 sta $dc0d sta $d01a lda #$1b sta $d011 rts loscop .byte $80,30,94,170,$40 hiscop .byte $c4,$c5,$c5,$c4,$c4 loscop1 .byte s1,>s2,>s3,>s1+3 .byte >s2a s1 .byte $ff,$fc,$00,$80,4,0 .byte $80,4,0,$80,4,0,$ff .byte $fc,0 s2 .byte $ff,$f8,0,$c0,$18,0 .byte $c0,$18,0,$c0,$18,0 .byte $c0,$18,0,$c0,$18,0 .byte $c0,$18,0,$c0,$18,0 .byte $c0,$18,0,$c0,$18,0 .byte $ff,$f8 s2a .byte $ff,$f0,0,$c0,$30,0 .byte $c0,$30,0,$c0,$30,0 .byte $c0,$30,0,$c0,$30,0 .byte $c0,$30,0,$c0,$30,0 .byte $c0,$30,0,$ff,$f8 s3 .byte $ff,$ff,$f8,$c0,0 .byte $18,$c0,0,$18,$c0,0 .byte $18,$c0,0,$18 .byte $c0,0,$18,$c0,0,$18 .byte $c0,0,$18,$c0,0,$18 .byte $c0,0,$18 .byte $ff,$ff,$f8 slang .byte 11,31,32,11,28 mp3 jsr print .byte 9,29 .text "block" .byte 1,11,27 .text "mul/hi" .byte r .text "cha" .byte r .text "copy fro" .byte m .text "copy t" .byte o .text "animatio" .byte n .text "subjec" .byte t .text "ma" .byte p .text "exit" .byte 0 rts button2 jsr butt beq button2 rts button ;BUTTON-ABFRAGE .block ;warten bis n1 jsr butt ;knopf nicht bne n1 ;gedrueckt n4 jsr butt ;warten bis beq n4 ;knopf gedrueckt rts .bend butt ;get entprelltes lda $dc00 ;button-bit ; ldx #10 ;n5 dex ; bne n5 cmp $dc00 bne butt buttv2 lda $dc00 cmp $dc00 bne buttv2 and #$10 rts col6 jsr wezei ;charcol bcc col6a lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a col6a and #$07 ldx #7 jsr smenz mmm1 jmp menue mp4 jsr print .byte 7,30 .text "char" .byte 1,9,29 .text "prin" .byte t .text "mu/hi" .byte r .text "colo" .byte r .text "fli" .byte p .text "swa" .byte p .text "fil" .byte l .text "inver" .byte t .text "cop" .byte y .text "grou" .byte p .text "exit" .byte 0 rts exi6 dec shimod+1 beq plok0 fil6 jsr plop n898 lda zer+12 sta (zer),y dey bpl n898 bmi plok0 wait lda #4 sta zer wait1 dec zer+1 bne wait1 dec zer bne wait1 rts sfa8 sta zer+2 asl a asl a asl a asl a ora zer+2 sta zer+2 rts pri6 jsr wezei ldy $13 lda zer+17 sta (zer+18),y plok0 jmp taste2 cc9 jsr button inc shimod+1 bne plok0 cc6 jsr button jsr eor11 jsr clrscn jsr print .byte 19,28 .text "map" .byte 1,21,0 .text "uc-block" .byte 1,20,16 .text "bk-subj" .byte 1,21,13 .text "uc-bk-subj" .byte 0 lda #1 sta zer+45 jsr print .byte 20,23 .text " " .byte 0 lda #14 sta zer+45 jsr chosblk jsr sint dec taste2+1 beq plok0 cop6 jsr plop sta zer+3 lda zer sta zer+2 lda #25 ;bank sta bitsc+2 lda zer+17 jsr plop2 ncb lda (zer),y sta (zer+2),y dey bpl ncb jmp taste2 bspos asl a asl a asl a clc adc #21 sta $d000 txa asl a asl a asl a adc #$26 sta $d001 rts musst1 tax lda (zer+10),y and mupsd,x sta (zer+10),y lda mupsd,x rts musst2 eor #$ff sta p44+1 txa p44 and #0 ora (zer+10),y sta (zer+10),y rts setback ldy #0 sty $20 n116 lda back+1,y jsr smenz inx inc $20 ldy $20 cpy #3 bcc n116 se1 rts svis lda back+2 sta $d025 lda back+4 sta $d026 lda back+3 ldx #$07 na11 sta $d027,x dex bpl na11 rts spoda .byte $40,225,$20,225,$20 .byte 225,$00,0,$60,225,$88 .byte 225,$b0,225,$c0 .byte 225,$06 mp6 jsr print .byte 9,16 .text "mainmenu" .byte 1,11,11 .text "worldedito" .byte r .text "soundedito" .byte r .text "subjectedito" .byte r .text "loa" .byte d .text "sav" .byte e .text "director" .byte y .text "diskstatu" .byte s .text "initializ" .byte e .text "exi" .byte t,0 rts mainmen jsr button stprg jsr init lda #$1b sta $d011 lda #4 sta zer+45 jsr print .byte 0,8 .text "cydonia-gamedesign-" .text "tool" .byte 1,1,7 .text "copyright " .text "1989 by frenzie" ;--- modified --- 1991 .byte 0 ldx #14 jmp menue blazei jsr cuset ldy #39 cs21 lda #$ff jsr faw2 lda #0 jsr faw2 dey bpl cs21 rts cuset lda #$d8 cuset2 sta $0a lda #$bf sta $0b cs19 jsr scnz dex bpl cs19 rts bsout sty zer+48 cmp #34 bne bis18 lda #$3e bis18 cmp #$40 bcc bis9 sbc #$40 bis9 ldy zer+49 ora #$c0 jsr faw2 lda zer+45 jsr faw2 inc zer+49 ldy zer+48 rts sint lda #14 sta zer+45 jsr print .byte 19,3 .text "block" .byte 0 lda #1 sta zer+45 jsr print .byte 19,8,$20,$20,1,19,16 .byte $20,$20,1,19,31 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20 .byte 1,21,8,$20,$20 .byte 1,21,23,20,20 .byte 0 rts gnosc lda (zp),y ldx #$0f n102 cmp byttab+16,x beq n103 dex bpl n102 n103 txa rts slnum2 ldx #16 lda akmp+16 jmp n106 slnum ldx #15 lda akmp+15 n106 cmp #20 bcs n104 jsr getnp lda #$10 sta nibbel+1 ldy #0 jsr gnosc asl a asl a asl a asl a sta zp+2 iny jsr gnosc ora zp+2 tax dex lda $dc00 and #$04 beq n100 inx inx n100 txa ldx zp+1 ldy zp jsr pinteg lda #0 sta nibbel+1 jsr mp22 n104 jmp m10 load jsr init2 jsr button ldx #15 jmp menue mp20 jsr print .byte 1,31 .text "loa" .byte d,0 mp22 jsr print .byte 3,29 filtb .text "00world" .byte $a0 .text "00block" .byte $a0 .text "00sound" .byte $a0 .text "00su 1" .byte $a0 .text "00su 2" .byte $a0 .text "00su 3" .byte $a0 .text "00su 4" .byte $a0 .text "00su 5" .byte $a0 .text "00su 6" .byte $a0 .text "00su 7" .byte $a0 .text "00su 8" .byte $a0 .text "00su 9" .byte $a0 .text "00su a" .byte $a0 .text "00su b" .byte $a0 .text "00su c" .byte $a0 .text "00su d" .byte $a0 .text "00su e" .byte $a0 .text "00su f" .byte $a0 .text "00su 10" .byte $a0 .text "00su 11" .byte $a0 .text " tools" .byte 0 rts loading jsr sure beq ret444 ldx #15 jsr getnam ;kkk jmp kkk jsr loadabs ldx #15 jsr excha ldx #15 jsr clwp ret444 jmp mainmen copzei ldx #$00 ncopz lda #0 sta $c400,x sta $c500,x lda zeis,x sta $c600,x lda zeis+$0100,x sta $c700,x dex bne ncopz rts getnp lda akmp,x asl a asl a tay asl a adc #filtb adc #0 sta zp+1 rts getnam jsr excha jsr getnp lda #7 sta zp+2 ldx #0 nn99 lda prgtab,y sta zp+3,x iny inx cpx #4 bcc nn99 rts prgtab .word map-mapoffset,map+$2000 ;--- modified --- .word blok-blokoffset,blok+$0f00 .word map,map+1 .word sound,sound+$0f00 .word tool,tool+$1f00 save jsr init2 jsr button ldx #16 jmp menue mp21 jsr print .byte 1,31 .text "sav" .byte e,0 jmp mp22 cswp lda akmp,x bne n112 ldx #19*8 n107 lda filtb+8-1,x sta map-(19*8)-8-1,x dex bne n107 ldx #4 n108 lda back,x sta map-$08,x dex bpl n108 n112 rts excha lda akmp,x cmp #1 bne n112 txa pha lda #$c8 sta $21 lda #>blok-$0800 sta $23 ldy #0 sty $20 sty $22 n111 lda ($20),y tax lda ($22),y sta ($20),y txa sta ($22),y iny bne n111 inc $21 inc $23 lda $21 cmp #$d0 bcc n111 pla tax n113 rts clwp lda akmp,x bne n113 clwp_2 ldx #19*8 n109 lda map-(19*8)-8-1,x sta filtb+8-1,x dex bne n109 ldx #4 n110 lda map-$08,x sta back,x dex bpl n110 rts saving jsr sure beq ret445 ldx #16 jsr cswp ldx #16 jsr getnam jsr rsave ldx #16 jsr excha ret445 jmp mainmen sure jsr button lda #0 sta akmp+17 lda #$c2 sta hiamp+17 lda #14 sta loamp+17 ldx #17 jmp menue mp25 jsr print .byte 11,7 .text "are you sure" .byte 1,13,7 .text "n" .byte o .text "ye" .byte s,0 rts sur2 lda akmp+17 rts sdir ldx #21 jsr prmenu ldx #0 jsr cuset lda #1 sta zer+45 jsr return jsr return jmp return dir jsr init2 jsr diskzp lda #$36 sta $01 jsr sdir lda #$01 ldy #$e9 ldx #$e1 jsr $ffbd lda #1 ldx #8 ldy #0 jsr $ffba jsr $ffc0 ldx #1 jsr $ffc6 ldy #5 next60 sty $fb jsr $ffcf tax ldy $fb dey bne next60 jsr $ffcf ldy $90 bne next61 jsr addr inc zer+49 ni930 jsr $ffcf cmp #" " beq ni930 cmp #18 beq ni930 bne ni931 next64 jsr $ffcf tax beq next63 cmp #"\" bcs next64b cmp #" " bcs ni931 next64b lda #$3d ni931 jsr bsout jmp next64 next63 jsr return next65 ldy #3 bne next60 next61 jsr $ffcc lda #1 jsr $ffc3 ni911b jsr diskzp jsr button2 jmp mainmen return jsr scnz lda #1 sta zer+49 lda $0a cmp #$c0 beq ni934 rts ni934 jsr more bne next61 jmp sdir setcb lda $13 sta cpb1+1 jsr button jmp taste2 copyb lda #blok sta $e1 ldx #8 cpb1 ldy #0 lda ($e0),y ldy $13 sta ($e0),y inc $e1 dex bpl cpb1 jsr button jmp taste2 mp40 jsr print .byte 3,28 .text "char-group" .byte 1,5,27 .text "wal" .byte l .text "backgroun" .byte d .text "deadl" .byte y .text "telepor" .byte t .text "credit " .byte z1 .text "credit " .byte z2 .text "credit " .byte z3 .text "credit " .byte z4 .text "depart.stor" .byte e .text "wise ma" .byte n .text "foreground" .byte 0 rts cc42 jsr wezei lda (zer+18),y ; lsr a tax lda animm,x rts cc40 jsr cc42 ; bcc nx700 ; and #$0f ; sta $e0 lda akmp+18 ; asl a ; asl a ; asl a ; asl a ; ora $e0 ; jmp nx701 ;nx700 and #$f0 ; ora akmp+18 sta animm,x ;nx701 jmp m10 smenz ;set tay ;menu-zeile sta akmp,x clc lda lowsc,x adc #80 sta $0a lda hiwsc,x adc #0 sta $0b nx712 jsr scnz dey bpl nx712 sta loamp,x lda $0b sta hiamp,x rts cc41 jsr cc42 ldx #18 jsr smenz jmp menue initial jsr button ldx #19 jmp menue cc50 jsr sure beq ret449 ldx akmp+19 lda intl1,x sta $e0 lda intl2,x sta $e1 ni891 ldy #0 tya ni890 sta ($e0),y iny bne ni890 inc $e1 lda $e1 cmp intl3,x bcc ni891 ret449 jmp mainmen intl1 .byte 0,0,0,0 intl2 .byte $c8,>blok,>map2,$9b intl3 .byte $d0,>blok+$0900 .byte >map2+$2000,$c0 mp41 jsr print .byte 7,26 .text "initialize" .byte 1,9,26 .text "cha" .byte r .text "block" .byte s .text "ma" .byte p .text "sound" .byte 0 rts diskst jsr init2 jsr button jsr diskzp lda #$36 sta $01 ldx #20 jsr prmenu ldx #5 lda #$c0 jsr cuset lda #15 sta zer+45 lda #5 sta zer+49 lda #$00 sta $90 lda #$01 ldx #$08 ldy #$6f jsr filpar lda #$00 jsr filnam jsr open lda #$08 jsr talk lda #$6f jsr sectlk ni910 jsr iecin cmp #13 beq ni911 jsr bsout jmp ni910 ni911 lda #$08 jsr untalk lda #$01 jsr close jmp ni911b mp42 jsr print .byte 3,15 .text "diskstatus" .byte 0 rts mp43 jsr print .byte 1,12 .text "directory" .byte 0 rts more lda #0 sta akmp+22 lda #$c3 sta hiamp+22 lda #144 sta loamp+22 ldx #22 jmp menue mp44 jsr print .byte 20,33 .text "more" .byte 1,22,33 .text "ye" .byte s .text "no" .byte 0 rts cc60 lda akmp+22 rts mp45 jsr print .byte 7,29 .text "anmimation" .byte 1,9,29 .text "bo" .byte x .text "mone" .byte y .text "maskable" .byte 0 rts mp50 jsr print .byte 1,35 .text "box" .byte 0 jmp mp55 mp51 jsr print .byte 1,34 .text "money" .byte 0 jmp mp55 mp52 jsr print .byte 1,34 .text "mask." .byte 0 mp55 jsr savac jsr np95 mp55b lda #18 sta np90 lda #15 sta $b2 np92 ldy $b2 lda ($b0),y asl a rol a rol a rol a ldx akmp+23 bne np90b lda ($b0),y ldx #$ff np90c inx cpx #8 bcs np90e sbc #29 bcs np90c bcc np90d np90e lda #0 sta ($b0),y clc tax np90d txa np90b adc #"1" sta np91+4 jsr print np90 .byte 0,34 np91 .text "pic.1" .byte 0 dec np90 dec $b2 bpl np92 rts np95 lda akmp+23 tax asl a asl a asl a asl a adc #animb2 ;--- modified --- statt nur animb sta $b1 lda akmp+24,x sta animb2+3,x rts cc70 jsr np95 tay lda $dc00 and #$10 bne cc71 jsr button lda ($b0),y clc adc castep,x and camsk,x sta ($b0),y cc71 jsr mp55b jsr lodac jsr prbsc jmp m10 castep .byte 30,$20,$20 camsk .byte $ff,$e0,$60 bmem .byte 0 lodac ldy akmp+24 jsr form1a ldy akmp+25 jsr form2a ldy akmp+26 jmp form3a savac ldy akmp+24 jsr form1b ldy akmp+25 jsr form2b ldy akmp+26 form3b ldx phasm3,y ldy #7 n1 lda cc+$50,y sta bb+$0400,x lda cc+$58,y sta bb+$0408,x lda cc+$60,y sta bb+$0410,x lda cc+$68,y sta bb+$0418,x inx dey bpl n1 rts form2b ldx phasm2,y ldy #7 n2 lda cc+$30,y sta bb+$0100,x lda cc+$38,y sta bb+$0108,x lda cc+$40,y sta bb+$0110,x lda cc+$48,y sta bb+$0118,x inx dey bpl n2 rts form1b ldx phasm1,y ldy #4 n3 lda cc,y sta bb+$0200,x lda cc+8,y sta bb+$0205,x lda cc+16,y sta bb+$020a,x lda cc+24+3,y sta bb+$020f,x lda cc+32+3,y sta bb+$0214,x lda cc+40+3,y sta bb+$0219,x inx dey bpl n3 rts gbsubj lda $13 gbsubj2 lsr a tax lda map-$0100,x and #$0f rts bkgroup jsr gbsubj ldx #27 jsr smenz jmp menue sbgrp lda $13 lsr a tax lda akmp+27 sta map-$0100,x jmp m10 mp53 jsr print .byte 1,31 .text "bk-group" .byte 1,3,31 .text "no subj" .byte e .text "1.subje" .byte c .text "2.subje" .byte c .text "3.subje" .byte c .text "4.subje" .byte c .text "5.subje" .byte c .text "6.subje" .byte c .text "7.subje" .byte c .text "8.subje" .byte c .text "9.subje" .byte c .text "a.subje" .byte c .text "b.subje" .byte c .text "c.subje" .byte c .text "d.subje" .byte c .text "e.subje" .byte c .text "f.subjec" .byte 0 rts soundmon .block jsr init2 ldx #file lda #6 jsr load2 jmp somon file .text "somon" .bend load2 sta zp+2 stx zp sty zp+1 jmp rload subjedit jmp mainmen summ1 .byte 0 summ2lo .byte 0 summ2hi .byte 0 ;* wohl nur fragment.... ;* fhtod ;FLEXIBLE HEX-DEZIMAL WANDLUNG .block ;input: ;akku = integer-zahl in hex ;x-reg. = flag fuer neue zahl (if <> 0) ;output: ;akku = integer-zahl lo in dez ;x-reg. = integer-zahl hi in dez sed ;auf dezimal pha ;lo-nibbel to hex and #$0f clc adc #0 ;to hex sta summ1 ;1. summand pla ;hi-nibbel to hex lsr a ;div 16 lsr a lsr a lsr a clc adc #0 ;to hex asl a ;mal 16 asl a asl a asl a sta summ2lo ;2. summand lo lda #0 rol a sta summ2hi ;2. summand hi ;add summanden lda summ1 ;add lo adc summ2lo ;(carry htb clr) sta summ1 lda summ2hi ;add hi adc #0 pha ;add neue dez-zahl ;mit alter txa ; bne n1 ;neue zahl? ;add lo lda summ1 ; adc oslo ;(carry htb clr) sta summ1 .bend zeis .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff .byte $ff,$ff,$00,$3c,$66,$66 .byte $7e,$66,$66,$00,$00,$7c .byte $66,$7c,$66,$66,$7c,$00 .byte $00,$3e,$60,$60,$60,$60 .byte $3e,$00,$00,$7c,$66,$66 .byte $66,$66,$7c,$00,$00,$3e .byte $60,$7c,$60,$60,$3e,$00 .byte $00,$3e,$60,$7c,$60,$60 .byte $60,$00,$00,$3e,$60,$60 .byte $6e,$66,$3e,$00,$00,$66 .byte $66,$7e,$66,$66,$66,$00 .byte $00,$7e,$18,$18,$18,$18 .byte $7e,$00,$00,$7e,$06,$06 .byte $06,$66,$3c,$00,$00,$66 .byte $6c,$78,$78,$6c,$66,$00 .byte $00,$60,$60,$60,$60,$60 .byte $7e,$00,$00,$c6,$ee,$fe .byte $d6,$c6,$c6,$00,$00,$c6 .byte $e6,$f6,$de,$ce,$c6,$00 .byte $00,$3c,$66,$66,$66,$66 .byte $3c,$00,$00,$7c,$66,$66 .byte $7c,$60,$60,$00,$00,$3c .byte $66,$66,$66,$3c,$0e,$00 .byte $00,$7c,$66,$66,$7c,$6c .byte $66,$00,$00,$3c,$60,$3c .byte $06,$66,$3c,$00,$00,$7e .byte $18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$00 .byte $00,$66,$66,$66,$66,$66 .byte $3c,$00,$00,$66,$66,$66 .byte $66,$3c,$18,$00,$00,$c6 .byte $c6,$d6,$fe,$ee,$c6,$00 .byte $00,$66,$3c,$18,$3c,$66 .byte $66,$00,$00,$66,$66,$66 .byte $3c,$18,$18,$00,$00,$7e .byte $0c,$18,$30,$60,$7e,$00 .byte $1b,$1b,$1b,$1b,$1b,$1b .byte 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