!convtab pet setflop=$736e untalk=$73b7 unlist=$73bc listen=$73c1 position=$7104 getin=$72cf block=$7181 nextblock=$720e *= $8800 irqon sei lda #$ff sta $0340 sta $0343 sta $0346 sta $0349 sta $034c sta $034f sta $0352 sta $0355 lda #<(irq) ldx #>(irq) sta $0314 stx $0315 lda #<(restore) ldx #>(restore) sta $0318 stx $0319 sta $fffa stx $fffb lda #01 sta $d015 sta $d01b lda #$0d sta $07f8 cli rts restore jsr 64789 jsr 64931 jsr 58648 lda #$37 sta $01 lda #12 sta $d020 sta $d021 ldx #00 next2 lda azzil,x jsr $ffd2 inx cpx #34 bne next2 lda #12 sta $d3 lda #32 ldx $35 stx $b0 ldx $36 stx $b1 jsr prib0 lda #$30 sta $b0 lda #0 sta $b1 iny jsr puthex dey jsr puthex jsr spc ldy #3 jsr puthex dey jsr puthex tascur jsr return tasc jsr irqon taste jsr $ffe4 beq taste cmp #13 beq enter bsout jsr $ffd2 jmp taste enter ldy #00 ldx #00 stx get+1 next1 lda ($d1),y cmp #32 beq space bcs ident ora #$40 ident sta $0200,x inx space iny cpy #39 bne next1 sta $0200,x jsr get sta 2 ldx #00 next4 lda kommand,x cmp 2 bne next3 txa asl tax lda komgo,x sta go+1 inx lda komgo,x sta go+2 jsr irqoff go jmp 0000 next3 inx cpx #11 bne next4 error lda #63 jsr $ffd2 jsr irqon lda #13 jmp bsout getadress jsr getbyt sta $b1 jsr getbyt sta $b0 rts addxa jsr getbyt sta 7 jsr getbyt ldx 7 rts jmp error irq lda #01 sta $cc jsr zeilend bcs next138 noo clc adc #3 asl asl asl sta $d000 rol $d010 lda $d6 asl asl asl clc adc #50 sta $d001 jmp $ea31 next138 sec sbc #40 jmp noo hexaus pha and #$f0 lsr lsr lsr lsr tax lda aschex,x jsr $ffd2 pla and #$0f tax lda aschex,x jsr $ffd2 rts get lda $0200 inc get+1 rts getbyte jsr getbyt rts getbyt jsr nibble asl asl asl asl sta 3 jsr nibble ora 3 rts nibble jsr get ldx #0 next5 cmp aschex,x beq foni inx cpx #16 bne next5 pla pla pla pla pla pla jmp error foni txa rts memory jsr rga next11 jsr mzeile jsr adcb0 jmp next11 list jsr rga next19 jsr diszeil jsr adcb0 jmp next19 diszeil lda #59 jsr prib0 jsr mget sta 4 and #$0f tax lda bef1,x jsr $ffd2 lda bef2,x jsr $ffd2 lda bef3,x jsr $ffd2 lda xy,x sta 5 lda #44 asl $4 bcc next15 lda #47 next15 jsr $ffd2 lda #88 ldx #89 asl $4 bcc next17 txa dex next17 dec $5 bne no1 lda #32 no1 jsr $ffd2 stx $5 jsr spc asl $4 adc #03 jsr $ffd2 iny jsr lohimget asl $4 bcc kkkk jsr spc lda $5 jsr $ffd2 kkkk ldy #0 lda #25 sta $d3 next18 jsr puthex jsr spc iny cpy #3 bne next18 rts inpmemory jsr getadress ldy #00 next21 jsr getbyte next20 jsr mset iny cpy #8 bne next21 jsr clrzeile jsr mzeile jmp tascur prib0 jsr $ffd2 lda $b1 jsr hexaus lda $b0 jsr hexaus jsr spc ldy #0 jmp $ffd2 addyb tya clc adc $b0 sta $b0 lda $b1 adc #00 sta $b1 rts adcb0 jsr addyb next12 lda $028d beq next13 jsr return rts next13 lda 203 cmp #63 bne next12 pla pla jmp tascur return lda #13 jmp $ffd2 irqoff sei lda #$31 sta $0314 lda #$ea sta $0315 lda #00 sta $d015 cli rts mget sei ldx #$30 stx 1 lda ($b0),y nnnn ldx #$37 stx 1 cli rts spc lda #32 jmp $ffd2 lohimget jsr puthex iny jsr puthex iny rts puthex jsr mget jmp hexaus mset sei ldx #$30 stx 1 sta ($b0),y jmp nnnn clrzeile lda #0 sta $d3 ldx $d6 jmp $e9ff rga jsr return jmp getadress mzeile lda #58 jsr prib0 next10 jsr lohimget jsr spc cpy #8 bne next10 rts aget ldy #0 jsr mget asl sta 8 iny jsr getadress ldx #3 next30 jsr get sta 4,x dex bne next30 stx 4 next31 lda bef1,x cmp 7 beq next32 nobef inx cpx #16 bne next31 jmp error next32 lda bef2,x cmp 6 bne nobef lda bef3,x cmp 5 bne nobef stx 5 lda #44 jsr verget jsr xory beq next34 dec get+1 next34 rol $4 lda #35 jsr verget jsr addxa pha txa jsr mset pla iny jsr mset jsr xory bne next39 php pla eor #01 pha ror 4 ror 4 plp rol 4 rol 4 sec next39 rol $4 lda 4 asl asl asl asl ora $5 ldy #0 jsr mset jsr clrzeile jsr diszeil jsr addyb jsr return lda #59 jsr prib0 jmp tasc filpar ldx #8 jmp $ffba filnam jsr namsu bne no52 ldx #0 next51 jsr namsu beq next54 inx cpx #16 bne next51 no52 pla pla jmp error next54 ldy #2 txa ldx #2 jmp $ffbd namsu jsr get cmp #47 rts verget sta 7 jsr get cmp 7 bne next40 clc bcc next41 next40 sec next41 rol $4 rts xory jsr get cmp #88 beq verx bcs very ldx #1 rts verx clc very ldx #0 rts azzilen jsr rga lda #59 jsr prib0 jmp tasc save jsr filpar jsr filnam jsr getadress jsr addxa stx 5 ldy 5 tax lda #$b0 jsr $ffd8 jmp tascur load jsr filnam ldy #01 jsr namsu bne next50 dey jsr getadress next50 jsr filpar lda #00 ldx $b0 ldy $b1 jsr $ffd5 jmp tascur catalog jsr return lda #01 ldy #$e9 ldx #$e1 jsr $ffbd lda #1 ldx #8 ldy #0 jsr $ffba jsr $ffc0 ldx #1 jsr $ffc6 ldy #5 next60 sty $fb jsr $ffcf tax ldy $fb dey bne next60 jsr $ffcf ldy $90 bne next61 jsr $bdcd jsr spc next64 jsr $ffcf sta $fb beq next63 jsr $ffd2 jmp next64 next63 jsr return next65 lda $028d beq no99 ldy #3 jmp next60 no99 lda 203 cmp #63 bne next65 next61 jsr $ffcc lda #1 jsr $ffc3 jmp tasc start jsr rga lda $b0 sta $35 lda $b1 sta $36 ldx #00 next900 lda corddata,x sta $16,x inx cpx #08 bne next900 next901 lda corddata,x sta $d000-8,x inx cpx #47+8 bne next901 lda #01 sta $dc0d jsr $750b jsr setflop lda #$50 sta $02ef lda #08 sta $9f lda #04 sta $3d sta $3f ldx #00 lda #14 weitsoo sta $dae9,x inx bne weitsoo sta $07f8 weitsoo2 lda $3d00,x sta $0380,x inx cpx #$80 bne weitsoo2 jmp $7000 savbytes jsr lodblock jsr addxa sta hol+1 stx hol+2 jsr addxa tax ldy $7 iny lda #<(hol) sta next203+1 lda #>(hol) sta next203+2 ldx #00 lda #14 weiterso sta $dae9,x inx bne weiterso lda #$0d sta $07f8 jsr savblo jmp tascur hol lda $8888 inc hol+1 bne pudel inc hol+2 pudel rts corddata !byte $b0,$20,$20,$30,$31,$18,$28,$38 !byte 60,60,90,40,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 !byte $1b,$b2,$0,$0,$ff,$d8,0,$1d,$79,$01,0,$fd,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,12 !byte 01,0,8,11,11,11,11,11,11 lodtext jsr lodblock lda $b0 sta $8 lda $b1 sta $9 jsr position lda #0 sta $d6 sta scre+1 sta scre2+1 ldx #04 stx scre+2 stx scre2+2 stx 7 ldy #$c0 next153 jsr getin scre sta $0400 inc scre+1 bne next154 inc scre+2 next154 dey bne next153 dec 7 bne next153 jsr untalk jsr return jsr irqon next111 jsr $ffe4 beq next111 cmp #141 beq next666 cmp #13 bne next113 next666 jsr zeilend bcs next622 ldx #0 next633 lda #17 bne next114 next622 ldx #40 bne next633 next113 cmp #"…" beq ctrlsave next112 jsr $ffd2 lda $d6 cmp #24 bne next111 lda #145 ldx #0 next114 stx $d3 jmp next112 ctrlsave ldx #$c0 ldy #$04 lda #<(sprink) sta next203+1 lda #>(sprink) sta next203+2 lda $8 sta $b0 lda $9 sta $b1 jsr savblo jmp restore savblock inc $799c jsr block dec $799c rts zeilend lda $d3 cmp #40 rts bef1 !pet "rctiasinlssrjsii" bef2 !pet "otxndbsooauemekg" bef3 !pet "oxtpddttdvbtptlr" xy !byte 1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0 komgo !word memory,inpmemory,list,azzilen,save,load,catalog,start !word lodtext,savbytes,aget azzil !byte 142,144,147,18 !pet "triceratops; pc xr yr " !byte 13 kommand !pet "m:daslcgtw" !byte 59 aschex !pet "0123456789abcdef" sprink jmp tp200 tp200 ldx #00 scre2 lda $0400 inc scre2+1 bne nexttp1 inc scre2+2 nexttp1 cmp #65 bcs btp1 cmp #32 bcs btp2 btp3 sta $7a,x inx cpx #4 bne scre2 lda $7c asl $7d asl $7d asl $7d rol asl $7d rol asl $7d rol rol $7b asl $7d rol rol $7b asl $7d rol rol $7b rol $7a asl $7d rol rol $7b rol $7a eor #73 sta $7c lda $7b eor #5 sta $7b lda #<(tp201) sta sprink+1 lda $7a eor #15 rts tp201 lda #<(tp202) sta sprink+1 lda $7b rts tp202 lda #<(tp200) sta sprink+1 lda $7c rts btp1 sec sbc #38 bne btp3 btp2 ldy #53 next233 cmp exzei-53,y beq next234 iny cpy #53+11 bne next233 dey next234 tya bne btp3 exzei !byte 33,34,44,46,58,40,41,63,59,32,39 listiii jsr untalk jsr listen lda #$68 jmp $ff93 lodblock jsr getadress jmp setflop savblo stx $2c sty $2d jsr position jsr listiii next203 jsr 0000 jsr $ffa8 inc $b0 bne next202 jsr savblock jsr nextblock jsr listiii next202 dec $2c bne next203 dec $2d bne next203 jsr savblock jmp untalk