Operatorraeume und die Nichtnuklearitaet von B(H), gezeigt von Junge/Pisier (( Master Thesis ))

Doob-Meyer decomposition of Hilbert space valued functions and annihilating subspaces in C(K)(( PhD-Thesis ))

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The exactness of certain randomized C*-algebras, Illinois J. Math. 55, No. 3, 963-976 (2011)

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Equivariant KK-theory for semimultiplicative sets, New York J. Math. 15, 505-531 (2009)

A descent homomorphism for semimultiplicative sets, Rocky Mt. J. Math. 44, No. 3, 809-851 (2014)

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The generators and relations picture of KK-theory, arXiv:1602.03034, 2016

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Information content in formal languages, arXiv:2209.04849, 2022